Friday, May 7, 2010

Sorry for my absense, HIV club, and homemade wind


Hello again. Sorry its been so long since my last post, but ill try to
bring you up to date. I think the last time i posted was from
training, which went quite well. The days were pretty long but covered
some useful stuff, gave me some ideas and motivation for teaching and
secondary projects. And at night we ate quite well. I had pizza twice,
chinese, cheese, and ice cream just abou every night. I did
unfortunately spend all my money, but it was well worth it.

One of the secondary projects we got ideas and materials for was HIV
education, and my counterpart seems really enthused about it. We
introduced the new HIV club with a demonstration about how HIV is
transmitted and the ABCs of prevention. My counterpart wanted me to do
most of the prep but once we began he took over and was great. The
students seemed to get a big kick out of it too, so hopefully we get a
decent turnout for the clubs first meeting monday.

One of the other things we learned about at training was making
homemade wine. So i just bought 5 kilos of sugar, some yeast, and when
i get home im gonna cook a kilo of rice, and in 3ish weeks should
hopefully have some tasty rice wine. Lunch is served so for now,