Friday, March 19, 2010

Mahjong, soccer, cooking for one


Hello all. Its been a little while since I've written but things are still going well. We had monthly exams last week which was basically just two marathon days of exams for all the students. My form 1 math and form 3 physics classes did fairly well, though my form 1 physics did quite bad. The couple physics lessons I have taught form 1 have been far and away my worst lessons. The combination of them not knowing english and me not knowing swahili makes it quite tough. After their exam, I decided to not teach them physics for a couple more weeks, hopefully they will get more used to my teaching and my swahili will improve enough to have more productive lessons at that time.

We had another soccer game vs the students on tuesday, and again, we lost, 3-0 I think. But since the last game, the other people started an actual team, and have been practicing heaps and had subs, so I was kind of the odd man out. I didn't get in til the last 20 or so minutes, but when I did, I played substantially better than I did the first time out. I think it was a combination of playing on a better field and playing for only minutes. It was good fun, but they try to practice I think almost every night. They were playing a different school tonight, but I was so behind on laundry and I didn't want to get hurt before hiking my mountain this weekend, so I stayed home.

While I was doing laundry though, I also baked my first solo loaf of bread, and I must say it turned out quite well. So dinner tonight was bread, peanut butter, and cucumber. This wasn't an ordinary cucumber though. It was round, the size of a small apple, but when you sliced it, sure enough it was a cucumber. Cooking for one is rough though. It seems I go from eating bread only one night to a massive mound of food the next, but I guess it balances out? Like last night, I made this awesome eggplant. It was a bit spicy and the sauce was awesome. But it was probably easily enough for at least 2, if not 3 people. I was originally planning to eat half and then reheat the rest today, but it was just so good, I kept adding “just a spoonful more” until it was all gone.